Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Rest of November...

One of my goals for 2011 is to be better about blogging. It should be easier because I'll be done with school in March!!! Here are some pictures from the rest of November...

Here we are at the Mesa Temple. Our nephew went through the Temple. It was nice to be in the Temple with family.

We had a family breakfast at Mannie's house. It was delish! Here we have Laura and Mannie, 2 of my sister in-laws.
Here is Ethan. He's the one that is on a mission. He is currently in the MTC as we speak. He will be a great missionary!
Here is John making his world famous BBQ chicken!!!
Here are the cousins hanging out together...
Here are some of Marvin's kids on the quads...

These are the happenings in November...hopefully December will be posted soon!!!