Saturday, February 18, 2012


We went to Las Vegas last weekend. It was an interesting trip. We left Thursday morning. John's back was feeling a bit out of place,but we still made the drive. By the second day, John had thrown his back out. He couldn't get out of bed. It was a bummer!
Here is a pic from the first night we were there...

Here are some random Vegas things we saw...

Soooo...I signed us up for a time share presentation. It was our first and last time share presentation. John was miserable and the presentation took forever. John was able to use a wheelchair from the hotel since he had to go to the presentation with me.

It was nice to get away for a couple of days together and relax (even though we were mainly spending time at the hotel).
Update on John: He has seen a Chiropractor and is doing much better!

1 comment:

Susie said...

I'm feeling the need to send him some get well cookies!!